Welcome to Scuba Dive Go, adventures in diving

This is a place where I share my experiences in diving. Here you will find tips and tricks on dive travel, dive training and some frequently asked dive questions. Diving is meant to be fun and that's what I like to focus on. It has to be safe as well and you will find information on that too. So check out the site and come back often. Keep Diving!

first regs

Buying your first set of regulators
Buying your first set of regs can be time of excitement and a time of dread, there are so many brands and so many kinds, which do you choose? 
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Save A Dive Kit

Save a Dive Kit
It's the last dive of your trip. The site is one of your favorites and you can't wait to finish off a great vacation with one last dive, then...
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How much should I tip?
Tipping isn't just a city in China. You may have heard things like "Its their job, why should I tip them for doing it" or from our European friends "Tipping...
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Why I chose PADI to become a scuba pro

If you have been a diver for more than a day then you know there is a constant battle over which training agency is better. Some will tell you certain agencies have better training and others are only interested in your money. My favorite is "agency X is a pyramid scheme." I'm here to tell you all of them are right and all of them are wrong. Huh? Let me explain.




Dan Membership

Dan Membership


Dan Insurance

Dan Travel insurance

Shearwater Computers
