
What's a Full Face Mask and why use one?

Diving cold water and get face freeze? Maybe you are doing long dives and have jaw fatigue. Or perhaps you want to talk to your buddy underwater? A Full Face Mask is something that may be right for you. There are several types of Full Face Masks (FFM) ranging in price from recreational to professional. The 3 most popular ones are the Oceanreef Gdiver/Neptune, OTS Spectrum and the OTS Guardian. They are all FFMs but function a bit differently

The 6 Basic Open Water Skills

So you want to do the Padi Open Water Course but are curious about some skills. Maybe you've already done the Confined Open Water part of the course in the pool and you want a refresh how to do some of the main skills. These 6 videos will help.

Mask Clearing

Clearing your mask is a skill you do almost subconsciously during a dive. When we smile, frown, squint or make any dozens of other facial expressions, it is inevitable that we will get a bit of water in our mask. Clearing your mask is simple and these are the steps.

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